After evaluating my post history, I realize I talk about WWE like A LOT. I guess it was my distraction because Video Games addiction was getting out of hand. Anyways, I promise not to talk about WWE from this sentence one. AH! RANDY ORTON IS MY LOVE!!!!!! WWE KICKS ASS!!! OK, form THIS sentence one(:
So instead of speaking of the unspeakable, I'll tell you about my journey to begin school. Of course you know I've been on the fabulous Summer vacation for around 3 months now. It's has been a pretty decent season. Definitely went shopping a lot and there's nothing wrong with that. Did a few big things here and there so in all, one of the best Summers(: So as it neared an end and the school started calling telling me to get my papers and fill em out and blah blah blah stuff, I began to have mixed emotions about school starting over again. I really did love not having to worry about anything. No homework, no tests, and definitely no sleep schedule. But in the end, I really am looking forward to school. I get to see my friends, new school clothes, (not sure if I got it but I applied for) a job in the cafeteria, and something to do all day. Eventually I'll hate it and won't be able to wait for Summer to come back, but for now, I'll be just fine.
Anyways, I had to get up around eight on a Thursday to go get the packet of papers from school. That was basic stuff. Emergency card, personal info, free lunch application, fliers for offers, etc. So I filled that out and figured I would just turn it in when I went to get my schedule. If I had not waited and turned it before that day, the process to get my schedule wouldn't have taken around four hours. But I guess it was worth it because most of my friends were waiting with me so it was all OK. I saw a lot of friends that I hadn't talked to since the last day of school. That was pretty sweet(: After all that, a few of us went to 7-11 (plug: 7-11 rocks!) to get Slurpees. As you know, I only drink water these days, but after going down a pants size already, I decided to treat myself to drink anything (but soda or anything really sugary) when with friends. Which recently, was only once or twice a week. Anyways, so after that, I went home and checked my schedule. These are my classes;;
1st- Computers (because I'm in CCA)
2nd- World Civ (almost forgot about History classes...)
3rd- Spanish 2 (that's a suicide mission)
4th- English 2 (if there's barely any writing work i'm gonna be super pissed)
5th- Bio (I didn't flunk. I'm in Advanced Placement Bio now :D)
6th- Geometry (math. should be easy)
A few things I noticed about my schedule is one, No PE Sukka!!!! My friends are all jealous of me. The only thing about that is I'm not sure if I have to take it next year because you're required to take two years of PE -_- But I'll figure that out eventually. Another thing was that on the schedule, it says the names of the class in one column. Then in the next column, it says the Room Number. My first period doesn't have a room number. It just says Computers again. I've only been to WHS one year but I'm pretty sure there isn't a building called Computers. SO because I don't want to wander around school on the first day like an idiot asking people for help, I've decided to convince a few friends to get to school early so we can go to the office and figure this out. One last thing I want to mention about my schedule is that I'm not sure I have any classes with my friends. My schedule is a bit different from everyones' that I've seen so far. But, to be hopeful, that has only been like two or three people. I know much more than that(: Worst case scenario, I have to make new friends. Shouldn't be too much of an issue.
Well, as I expected, starting school ends up being a very rewarding experience. Especially the school shopping(: Over the past two weeks, I've gotten quite a bit of pants and plenty of shoes. My mom will take my shopping this weekend at the Swamp Meet (probably not spelled right). Sounds ghetto, but to me, the Swamp Meet means five new shirts for 20 bucks. Which is very decent. Today, I spent around an hour getting my backpack prepped for school. I got some cool Beatles and Marilyn Monroe folder and a few solid colored notebooks. I probably over did it on the pencils but at least I won't run out(:
Anyways, I'll make sure to keep everyone posted on my Sophomore year so for now, I should get to sleep. Love you all Little Monsters XoXo LSS♥
Friday, August 27, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Greatest Night Of My Life
As you may or may not know, for the past month I've been planning a night that I expected to be super duper amazing. WWE Raw live in Los Angeles. And I was right, it was INCREDIBLE. The moments leading up to it were a bit stressful. I'll start with the day right before. That Sunday was also the day of SummerSlam, one of the best PPVs in WWE. I planned on downloading that the night before and putting it on a DVD for me and my friend Giselle to watch before we head out to RAW. While I was waiting for that, I spent about an hour and a half creating the first sign. It said NAKED BABY!!! Many people asked what exactly Naked Baby meant, and it only made sense if you watched Randy Orton's interview on Lopez Tonight the past Tuesday. In that interview he explained how his daughter calls John Cena 'naked baby' for reasons no one really understands. Anyways, before going to sleep I began to download SummerSlam, only to find the next morning that it was a version that would take FOREVER to download. Not to mention about five hours to make into a DVD.
So as I waited for that, I got ready to leave (make up, hair, etc.) and made my second sign that said I LOVE RANDY ORTON (very true). That one took about two hours. After everything was set, my backpack was packed, my camera was charged and everything seemed perfect, I realized I didn't have a ride to Giselle's house. Clearly that was an issue. Anyways, I stressed over that for a while until my dad told me that his friend (bassist for FEAR :P) could drop me off. Once I got there, I said my Hello's to Giselle and her sister and brother and then we all sat down to watch SummerSlam. Unfortunately, I missed the last ten or fifteen minutes because our ride was already there. But that's fine because I rewatched it when I got home later on. Anyways, the drive a was a little hectic because our driver wasn't sure how to get to Staples Center. This worried me a bit considering we were on a time grip. I estimated it got started around five thirty or six. Eventually we found the way and arrived in front of Staples Center at five thirty on the dot. Of course there was metal detectors at the entrance and as Me and Giselle tried to ram through them fast as possible, the security insisted that we had to dispose of our canned drinks we brought it. Not having enough time to chug it, we threw away a full can of Monster and a full can of Arizona. Thankfully he didn't notice my second can of Monster;)
After that, we ran all over the place looking for the right entrance. We finally got to our two fabulous floor seats. We walked in on the ending of the taping of Superstars, another WWE show that airs on Thursdays. Unfortunately I don't get that channel so I never watch it. But after that, the light turned red, amazing pyro lights blasted and I knew I was watching WWE Monday Night RAW. My heart raced as I realized that I was finally here. It started off fantastically. They showed a few SummerSlam replays and then the show began. I got to see all my favorite superstars and more. In real life, they're not as big as I imagined but oh well. The best part of the night was probably when Randy Orton, my hero, my love, my Apex Predator, came out. He was a shining statue of perfection as he fought. It was amazing. Even better, at one point in the show, he smiled at me. I know he saw my NAKED BABY!!! sign and was amused. They can say whatever they want, I know he was looking at me.
The night went perfectly. My dad ended up picking us up because our other ride would've made us leave mid show and I couldn't have that. But when I got home, I was Starstrukk. It was almost as if none of it happened but I know it did. After seeing all that, it made me even more dedicated to becoming part of that than ever before. I did take a lot of pictures and even a few videos. I know I said I'd be recording me there and before and after but because I was stressing over it so much, I really didn't have a lot of time. If you want to see all those pictures I took, go to my Myspace or my Facebook. For those of you who aren't my friends on either of those networks, Here are a few of my favorite pictures from last night.
WWE fan or not, going to a WWE event live is so so SO amazing and really fun. During the show it was revealed that RAW would be back in California at the Honda Center in Anahiem in October. I think you can assume what my next goal is...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
"I Wanna Be A Star!"
Being the over achiever I am, I tend to set my goals very high. Most of those high goals ending up fading because they cease to interest me. Anyways, I now have a new super fantasy goal. WWE Diva. As you already know, WWE is something I love more than I love my child if I had one. It's been a daydream of mine since I first watched it to find a way to get involved with World Wrestling Entertainment. After thinking about it, being a WWE Diva would be the greatest thing ever. So last Monday, after RAW, I decided to give up on soda, punch, juice, and even milk. I would like to say I gave up on Monster but I just couldn't do it. So now I only drink water. Water, water, water except on Mondays when RAWs on. I give myself permission to have Monster. Just as long as I don't over do it.
So far, I've been doing a lot of leg exercises (lunges, lifts, a little running, etc.) and also some upper body stuff (angled push-ups, standing v-crunches, a few crunches, etc.). Because I've been slightly chubby for a few years, my body is sore being not used to much movement. I've been using some diet pills here and there so I can boost my metabolism and regulate my appetite. When I first made this change, I thought for sure I'd miss sweets and soda so much that it wouldn't last, but so far I'm not tired of water and I'm coping pretty well with not eating as much.
I did a lot of researching and found this great wrestle training school. There are a lot of big names in wrestling (in general, not just WWE) who have not only praised the school, but attended it. They train people of any age, weight, height, gender, or skill level. So in my mind as I read the info on their website ( I was thinking "This is perfect!" I considered the time I was going to try to attend. They said that they train people of any physical status, but I'd rather go when I'm in shape so I don't make a fool out of myself. So I intend on enrolling this around this time next year. The only issues involving this school would have to be the location and price. The school is located in Sherman Oaks, California. That is about forty to fifty minutes from my home. Knowing my family, there isn't anyone who would be willing to drive me there and pick me up two or three times a week. But I will be fifteen soon so if I'm lucky, maybe I can drive myself. The price for the lessons vary depending on what I will end up getting. From the looks of it, I'm considering getting a few one on one lessons before I go into the group classes. So in total, I'd estimate the price ranging somewhere around a thousand dollars. So I will be saving up for that most definitely.
Hopefully all the training pays off and I end up going to the school. If I don't go there, I have considered other school that are probably closer. But right now, I'm doing what i usually do and setting my goals high. After the training and most likely after college, I have my eyes set on a FCW Summer Program. That is about 1200 dollars and it's in Florida. That company is actually linked to the WWE recruiting center and WWE will probably send people trying out for their company anyways. But that is a long way from now.
The reason I feel this Dream won't fade like all my other ones are because it requires me to get in shape which is something I have been needing to do just for life in general. So at least if this dream fades, I still have the reward of being in better health than when I started. So I just thought I'd let everyone know my new dream. Look for me on TV in a few years! :D
So far, I've been doing a lot of leg exercises (lunges, lifts, a little running, etc.) and also some upper body stuff (angled push-ups, standing v-crunches, a few crunches, etc.). Because I've been slightly chubby for a few years, my body is sore being not used to much movement. I've been using some diet pills here and there so I can boost my metabolism and regulate my appetite. When I first made this change, I thought for sure I'd miss sweets and soda so much that it wouldn't last, but so far I'm not tired of water and I'm coping pretty well with not eating as much.
I did a lot of researching and found this great wrestle training school. There are a lot of big names in wrestling (in general, not just WWE) who have not only praised the school, but attended it. They train people of any age, weight, height, gender, or skill level. So in my mind as I read the info on their website ( I was thinking "This is perfect!" I considered the time I was going to try to attend. They said that they train people of any physical status, but I'd rather go when I'm in shape so I don't make a fool out of myself. So I intend on enrolling this around this time next year. The only issues involving this school would have to be the location and price. The school is located in Sherman Oaks, California. That is about forty to fifty minutes from my home. Knowing my family, there isn't anyone who would be willing to drive me there and pick me up two or three times a week. But I will be fifteen soon so if I'm lucky, maybe I can drive myself. The price for the lessons vary depending on what I will end up getting. From the looks of it, I'm considering getting a few one on one lessons before I go into the group classes. So in total, I'd estimate the price ranging somewhere around a thousand dollars. So I will be saving up for that most definitely.
Hopefully all the training pays off and I end up going to the school. If I don't go there, I have considered other school that are probably closer. But right now, I'm doing what i usually do and setting my goals high. After the training and most likely after college, I have my eyes set on a FCW Summer Program. That is about 1200 dollars and it's in Florida. That company is actually linked to the WWE recruiting center and WWE will probably send people trying out for their company anyways. But that is a long way from now.
The reason I feel this Dream won't fade like all my other ones are because it requires me to get in shape which is something I have been needing to do just for life in general. So at least if this dream fades, I still have the reward of being in better health than when I started. So I just thought I'd let everyone know my new dream. Look for me on TV in a few years! :D
Monday, August 2, 2010
100 Apologies...
I know it's been a while since I've posted anything and I'm sorry that this post is going to be short. But it'll cover a few things that has been happening around my life. Including things such as braces update, money stuff, birthday anxiousness, video games, and of course WWE stuff.
I know you are all tired of hearing about WWE, so I'll get this over with first. Well in my last post I described the amazing Dream Team John Cena assembled to take down the Nexus. That was two weeks ago. In my head, I imagined the intense battle unfolding at SummerSlam. In my head, I felt like it would be the greatest battle of the year and Nexus would finally fall. But in one episode of RAW (last week), the Dream Team itself slowly crumbled. Egos clashed it the worst possible ways. As I write this, it's a commercial break of tonight's Monday Night RAW. And so far, nothing has changed. Everyone is still butting heads. And now the conflicts have become to much for some members of the team. Edge has quit. It was reduced to six on the team. But just when you though it couldn't get worse, Chris Jericho and John Cena will now fight due to their own problems with each other. And the loser is forced to leave the Dream Team.
Update: Thankfully, Cena won that. Meaning, Jericho's out. It's now down to 5
My braces still have more work to be done. Currently, I have the wire on my bottom teeth. But two of the brackets were snapped off because my teeth are the most stubborn things in the world. The top teeth are still unwired but I did get one of them pulled on my last visit. I can honestly say that I have never had that much blood in my mouth. I also had the misfortune to swallow one of my spacers. Luckily I didn't even notice till I felt a strange gap between two of my back teeth. I have another dentist appointment a week from now. I'm not sure what is going to happen, but I'm thinking that they'll fix my broken brackets and either put the wires on top or put a new spacer in. But besides all that, thankfully, there hasn't been pain since a few weeks ago. So wish me luck on all that.
This paragraph might be a little involved with WWE too. Sorry. But it involves my money too :) I recently had a yard sale and same into a little money. I had about forty bucks in total and I was wondering as to what I would buy. As I re-counted said money, I drove past a 7 11 and was reminded that WWE was selling Limited Edition SummerSlam cups and straws. I decided to spend some of my money there. I went into this 7 11 and found that the only thing WWE related they had left were a box of HHH straws. No cups. No variety. But I digged and digged till I found something to buy. I found a great Undertaker straw. It was a little pricey for a straw (almost 3 dollars) but it was worth it. Intent on finding those cups, me and my dad traveled to a few other 7 11s till I finally found a big variety of those cups. When I did find them, I had to search for the ones I really wanted. Which was an Undertaker cup, a John Cena cup, and especially a Randy Orton cup. I had to search long and hard, but I found a few Undertaker cups and the very last John Cena cup. But Randy Orton was no where to be seen =:::(
I recently received about five new games. All of them were pretty ok and most were playable. But the one that I fell in love with the most was Red Dead Redemption. I thought I would totally hate this game considering it is pretty identical to GTA, which I hate. But this was a different spin on things and the entire game's story and gameplay itself was phenomenal. The only issue I had was how the game ended. I won't spoil anything, but it brought me very very close to tears. And also, I will definitely be playing Live a lot more now that my Xbox Best Friend has returned :)
In some random notes, I really really want to see The Other Guys. Not only does it look really hilarious, Mark Walhberg is hotter than the flames of hell. Maybe I'll see that with my Best Friend Krista Fishykins (3000). Her birthday is Wednesday and a grip of our friends are headed to the OC to chill at D&B. I've gotten her a little something that I hope (know) she'll like. Speaking of birthdays, someone's birthday is about two months away. Yes, it is my very own. I'm probably not going to ask for anything specific. Just money and those Visa gift cards would be muy excellent. But what I really want is a fantasticaly ill party. But I guess we'll just have to see what happens.
Ok, well I think this will do it for now. I will try to post stuff more often than I have been recently, but no promises Little Monsters. ♥ LSS
I know you are all tired of hearing about WWE, so I'll get this over with first. Well in my last post I described the amazing Dream Team John Cena assembled to take down the Nexus. That was two weeks ago. In my head, I imagined the intense battle unfolding at SummerSlam. In my head, I felt like it would be the greatest battle of the year and Nexus would finally fall. But in one episode of RAW (last week), the Dream Team itself slowly crumbled. Egos clashed it the worst possible ways. As I write this, it's a commercial break of tonight's Monday Night RAW. And so far, nothing has changed. Everyone is still butting heads. And now the conflicts have become to much for some members of the team. Edge has quit. It was reduced to six on the team. But just when you though it couldn't get worse, Chris Jericho and John Cena will now fight due to their own problems with each other. And the loser is forced to leave the Dream Team.
Update: Thankfully, Cena won that. Meaning, Jericho's out. It's now down to 5
My braces still have more work to be done. Currently, I have the wire on my bottom teeth. But two of the brackets were snapped off because my teeth are the most stubborn things in the world. The top teeth are still unwired but I did get one of them pulled on my last visit. I can honestly say that I have never had that much blood in my mouth. I also had the misfortune to swallow one of my spacers. Luckily I didn't even notice till I felt a strange gap between two of my back teeth. I have another dentist appointment a week from now. I'm not sure what is going to happen, but I'm thinking that they'll fix my broken brackets and either put the wires on top or put a new spacer in. But besides all that, thankfully, there hasn't been pain since a few weeks ago. So wish me luck on all that.
This paragraph might be a little involved with WWE too. Sorry. But it involves my money too :) I recently had a yard sale and same into a little money. I had about forty bucks in total and I was wondering as to what I would buy. As I re-counted said money, I drove past a 7 11 and was reminded that WWE was selling Limited Edition SummerSlam cups and straws. I decided to spend some of my money there. I went into this 7 11 and found that the only thing WWE related they had left were a box of HHH straws. No cups. No variety. But I digged and digged till I found something to buy. I found a great Undertaker straw. It was a little pricey for a straw (almost 3 dollars) but it was worth it. Intent on finding those cups, me and my dad traveled to a few other 7 11s till I finally found a big variety of those cups. When I did find them, I had to search for the ones I really wanted. Which was an Undertaker cup, a John Cena cup, and especially a Randy Orton cup. I had to search long and hard, but I found a few Undertaker cups and the very last John Cena cup. But Randy Orton was no where to be seen =:::(
I recently received about five new games. All of them were pretty ok and most were playable. But the one that I fell in love with the most was Red Dead Redemption. I thought I would totally hate this game considering it is pretty identical to GTA, which I hate. But this was a different spin on things and the entire game's story and gameplay itself was phenomenal. The only issue I had was how the game ended. I won't spoil anything, but it brought me very very close to tears. And also, I will definitely be playing Live a lot more now that my Xbox Best Friend has returned :)
In some random notes, I really really want to see The Other Guys. Not only does it look really hilarious, Mark Walhberg is hotter than the flames of hell. Maybe I'll see that with my Best Friend Krista Fishykins (3000). Her birthday is Wednesday and a grip of our friends are headed to the OC to chill at D&B. I've gotten her a little something that I hope (know) she'll like. Speaking of birthdays, someone's birthday is about two months away. Yes, it is my very own. I'm probably not going to ask for anything specific. Just money and those Visa gift cards would be muy excellent. But what I really want is a fantasticaly ill party. But I guess we'll just have to see what happens.
Ok, well I think this will do it for now. I will try to post stuff more often than I have been recently, but no promises Little Monsters. ♥ LSS
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