Monday, July 19, 2010

When Good Teams With Evil

As usual, Monday Night RAW gets better and better with each passing week. Just as I assumed, drama from Sunday's Money In The Bank leaked into tonight's show. First thing that went down was a triple threat match. The winner would have a Championship match against the WWE Champ at Summer Slam. The Superstars competing in this match were Edge, Chris Jericho, and The Viper, Randy Orton. The battle was brutal but in the end, after preforming two consecutive RKO's, The Viper ended up victorious. Now he will face the WWE Champ. Currently, that's Sheamus (sadly and unfairly). But there's a few weeks till Summer Slam and that means a few more RAWs to go. And as any WWE fan knows, anything is possible. The winner of the RAW Money In The Bank on Sunday was almost my baby Randy Orton, but after an unfortunate turn of events, it ended with The Miz unhooking that briefcase. So that means that The Miz can cash in that case at anytime and face the WWE Champ. Tonight, he said he'll be watching Sheamus every second until he finds the proper opportunity to strike.

After that, a few other matches took place. Including a Diva match between Eve Torres and Maryse. A two on two tag team match between Zak Ryder and some guy who's name I always forget and Satino and Vlad Koslov. Then, Wayde Berret (leader of the much hated Nexus) faced off solo against The World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry. Berret proved my theory that Nexus may be strong together, but individually, they're mediocre wrestlers. Henry would've won had the rest of the Nexus do what they always do. They came out to intimidate Henry and distracted him while Berret laid waste. It was a total cheap shot.

Anyways, after that, John Cena and The Nexus met up center ring for a meeting, which was requested by John earlier in the show. It brought me emotional pain to see how defeated John was. He begged for a truce with the Nexus. He told them that they have made his life miserable since the first day they were there when they costed him his WWE Championship. He told them that they brought even more distraught when they prevented him from winning it back at Money In The Bank. There was clear defeat in Cena's eyes as he asked for peace between him and the Nexus. Wayde Berret refused the peace offer and instead, asked Cena to join the Nexus. To give in, drop his resistance, trade his Cenation armband for a Nexus one. He told Cena that he has come a long way and achieved many things. He promised him that if he joined the Nexus, he achieve ten times the greatness and go down in history. It almost brought tears to my eyes when I saw the look on Cena's face. The fact that he would even consider taking that offer was painful enough. The entire stadium was silent as they awaited his answer. Just when I thought he was going to give it, he refused. I was so happy and proud of him. As Cena walked away from the Nexus, he shouted back from the stage that this whole thing was a test. He said he gave them a chance to end all of this right now. And because Berret refused, he was going to face the army that John had been secretly forming at Summer Slam. He called his secret army out.

I had a few members figured, but some of them shocked me. First out was definitely a twist. Edge, the Rated R Superstar, one of the Evils of WWE, came out to stand by John's side and earned my respect. Next was John Morrison, the Shaman of Sexy, a Good guy and a favorite of mine joined the team. After that was R-Truth, another good guy and definitely an entertaining man. Then The Great Khali, again, a Good guy, towering at over seven feet, was drafted. Then another twist. Chris Jericho, a definite Evil, the man who claimed that he and the Nexus had an alliance, came out and stood by the other Superstars. This made six amazing Superstars. But there were seven Nexus. So as everyone awaited the seventh member of the Army to come out, thoughts ran through my head of who it could be. I hoped that it was Randy Orton, not just because he's my favorite, but because he's The Viper and the most dangerous man in RAW. And then I looked at the line up and told myself that this could not get any better. I was mistaken. The final member of the Army was not Orton, but Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. He's an amazing wrestler, a veteran, and a very respected man in WWE. Cena, Edge, Jericho, Morrison, Truth, Khali, and Hart. The All-Star Dream Team. They're going to face the Nexus at Summer Slam. All I can say is that this SummerSlam is going to be the best one yet now that Good has teamed with Evil to face the ultimate Evil of WWE. And Nexus will fall.

GirlGamers: My Investigation

I hate girl gamers. It is an automatic reflex to have an extreme dislike towards a female gamer if I cross paths with one while playing. For a long time, I did not know why I hated these girls so much, but some research has opened my eyes. I now realize why these females annoy me to no extent. Before I even get into all this, I have to let you know that I am a Girl Gamer myself. I have an Xbox 360 and if you know me, you know that most of my time is spent playing on Live. Ok, now one reason I dislike these ladies is because of their attitude and complaints.

First off, the Fraud. The girl who plays online to create this false image of herself. To live some other life that she probably doesn't even come close to in reality. These girls are mostly on virtual communities and a lot of PC games. But they won't play if there's no Chat Box or voice option. They need attention, and they get it by creating a persona that rarely anyone buys. These girls usually aren't very skilled at the games they play, but the fact that they know a control or two makes them a "total badass." A lot of these girls also fall under the category of a Closet Gamer. She doesn't want to tell anyone else she games because she's afraid they might reveal her true identity.

Another I hate about girl Gamers is their complaints. "These guys never invite to play with them because I'm a girl!" That is false. Guys won't invite you to play for one of a few reasons. One is that maybe this guy doesn't play with total strangers. There are also people who just prefer to game solo. I myself keep to a small group of my online friends to game with. Only once in a blue moon will I accept a random game invitation. Another reason guys won't invite you is simple to understand. You Suck. You ladies have to face the fact that even though you game, doesn't automatically mean you're good. You should probably be able to beat more than the training level and erase N00B off your forehead.

"I don't like how mean these people are to me just because I'm a girl!" Get over yourself. There is a race of Gamers that are straight up trash talkers. Unfortunately, that consists of a large percentage of all gamers. Besides the one who game strictly to talk smack, if you mess up in a game, you might endure some mild to heavy brooding. I'm guilty of telling off someone because they cost me or our team a win. Don't blame them, blame your skill. And even besides those guys, there are people who enjoy a friendly insult here and there to their fellow gamer. This isn't because you're a girl. They talk like this to anyone, especially their friends. So if you take these insults personally, online gaming is not your thing. Stop being so freaking sensitive.

If you demand special treatment or think you're so big and bad just because you are a Female who play video games, than I hate you instantly. I'm a girl gamer and I have been for a long portion of my life. I know that there are a few select individuals who treat me different (better or worse) just because I don't have a Y chromosome. I understand and accept that I will experience different reactions for being a girl. But there are girls who insist that our fellow male gamers should ease up because there is a girl on the other team. Sometimes, those girls demand great respect because they have achieved a higher level than most people and they're a girl. Congratulations! You're average. If you get my respect in the gaming world, than you are a really good gamer. Most people will agree with me when I say that I'm not treating any different because you're a girl.

Another type of gamer I can not tolerate is the Bimbo. She is oblivious to anything going on in the game. She only knows how to work this "colorful moving box" because her boyfriend taught her. She like to play in online activities to try and draw attention to herself. She's kind of like the Fraud, but they differ because the Bimbo is a complete idiot. At least the Fraud has some knowledge of the games she plays. The Bimbo plays just to sexually attract males. That and she might find some strange pleasure in being a trash talking loud mouth that everyone mutes. She's lucky if she gets an assist and claims she sucks due to the distractions of her extremely social life that's going on outside of the headset. My advice to these Bimbos, Just get off the console. Go become a stripper or something because there, you get the attention you crave and you also get paid. Problem solved.

This about wraps up this post. Also, if I know you from school or from any where besides meeting you in a random game lobby, I won't automatically hate you if I find out you game. If I know you in real life and I'm cool with you, the fact that you game might even make me love you more. Because if I hate you in real life, there's a different reason behind it. XoXo LSS

Friday, July 16, 2010

Braces, Fire, and Other Stuff...Oh My!

OK, so if you've been reading my blog since I first advertised it on facebook, than you know that I used to post something up like once, sometimes twice a day. Well, recently I've been in a creative slump so please bear with me people. In this post, I'll be jumping from subject to subject. They really don't have much to do with each other other than the fact i have to put up with them every day recently.

So, you may or may have not noticed, but I've finally started to get wires and stuff on my braces. For the longest time, I had some brackets and that's it. Now, after a few painful weeks of living with the satanic spacers, I have wires on my bottom teeth. They don't hurt too bad. The thing is that the dentist decided to put bigger spacers in my top teeth. Therefore, I can't eat anything muy delicious due to excruciating pain. So that is a definite kill-joy. Even worse, one of the brackets came unglued. So it just spins around on the wire. I assume to glue it back on, they'll have to remove the wire. Bummer. But because of such pain, I have been forced to sample a lot of puddings and such.

If you live in southern California, or anywhere really, than you have noticed that it has been unnaturally warm out. For the past few days it has been around 105 to 110 degrees farenheit. This is not bad if you have a big house with an excellent air conditioner. But, to my despair, I have only a ceiling fan and a few fans to keep me cool. My father and Aunt both have air conditioners in their places of slumber. And oddly, it always seems to reach the extreme of any weather in my room. So that sucks. But I spent the past two days at my grandma's swimming. But that lacks luster after so long. I'm now back home and while my room is somewhat bearable, it is still about 80 something in here.

I have begun my savings for the Turtle Beach X11 headset. So far I have about thirty bucks. The headset is roughly sixty dollars, but I intend on buying from the thrift store of life, Craigslist:) Therefore, I'm only going to spend around forty dollars. But seriously speaking, Craigslist is amazing. I buy almost everything technological there, not to mention that they sell tickets, and a bunch of other stuff for cheaper than you would find anywhere else. It's where I got my WWE tickets (BTW, I did already get them. Thanks John for giving me tickets to the experience of my lifetime! And you're HOT!), where I intend on getting my headset, where I find a lot of vintage punk stuff, and where I purchased my beloved Xbox 360.

Speaking of video games, this one looks very promising. I want it badly :P

I saw a more in-depth review of it on X-Play (G4) and it is an amazing FPS that revolves on colors, complete destruction of the enviorment, techno music, and guns. Lots and lots of guns. All of the previews seem to show only work with the assault rifle, but the creators insist that there with be much more than that in your arsenal such as the shotgun and my personal favorite, SMGs.

Well that's all for this post. Add me on facebook to send me post ideas and comments on the entire site. Thanks for reading and here's your advice for the day; Best Buy sucks. Buy your tech from complete strangers at a completely lower price at Craigslist! :D XoXo LSS

Monday, July 12, 2010

Get Money Boy


Happy Birthday!

Ha, JK I know it's not your Birthday. Unless it is, in which case, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :) My Bestest Friend Krista Fishykins (3.0) came over yesterday. It's been a pretty fun time. Stayed up till like five last night playing Guitar Hero. I was looking up random videos that made me smile. Tonight, RAW is on so I won't be leaving the house. But I would like to share this video about the closest thing to a Unicorn I could find.

After watching this, not only are Narwhals my new favorite animal (after the real Unicorns), but it really makes me want a Facial Horn...XoXo LSS

Friday, July 9, 2010

This is Well Over Due...

Greetings again Little Monsters. It is my duty to inform you that I am a total idiot! Well I'm not really an idiot I'm kind of a genius, but besides the point, I FEEL like an idiot. Here I am, sitting in my room, wrapping up a solid game of Domination, trying to think of a new blog post. Then, while browsing for a new variant to own at, it dawns on me. Video Games. Of course, due to my passionate love for video games, it probably isn't healthy for me to post too much about them. So every blue moon when I DO post something about the essential element to my life, it will probably be long and over advertised. Then again, my entire blog usually is;)
I suppose I'll start with a quick summary of how me and Video Games came to be the pair we are now. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was about seven years old. My dad had just brought home the original Xbox with a small collection of used games. This wasn't for me though. It was for him and his friends to play while they were buzzed. One day, when Polly Pockets weren't amusing me like they usually did, I decided to try and play. It took me about fifteen minutes to learn how to turn it on, twenty minutes to start the game, and a few days to master the controls. The game was a little something called Halo:Combat Evolved. As the days went by, my love for this black and green console pulled me in deeper than my Assault Rifle's bullet in the side of a Grunt's head. After my Halo journey was complete, I sampled a variety of other games. I tried Playstations, PC games, and eventually the Wii. Eight years later, I'm still committed to my spawn of the original Xbox, The Xbox 360. The 360 is when I first got on Live, which I'm on everyday now. But my original Xbox console is now pleasing the life of my cousin at his home. I still visit it here and there. So that is the story of how me and Xbox became life partners. Now I'll tell you what I really started this post for. Games I want more than oxygen:)

Alright, I'll put this Game first so I can get it over with. I don't beleive this game deserves more publicity than it's already getting. Reach. The people who followed Halo from the first day it came out those years ago, to testing the Multiplayer Beta till your fingers bled (or until it ended). Now, I used to be in love with the Halo series. But after I met my new MultiplayerMatch, Call Of Duty, Halo seemed boring. I guess it was just to simple for me. The controls were too basic, the guns were even more uncomplex, and the entire game was just bland after seeing the complexity of CoD. But when I played the Beta, the little girl who begged for the Limited Edition of the first Halo came out in me again. There are definately much more improvements. The special abilities go perfectly for different kinds of players. I can honestly say that the moment I get my hands on the game on September 14th, I'll be attatched to it for a while.

Second, is a game that means more to me than almost all my other games. This game is Fable III. Alot of people don't like the Fable series for many reasons. The main ones are that you can play through the story about four times before the game is just unplayable anymore. And I have to agree. I myself have played through the story about ten times. I've played every quest and gotten ALMOST every achievement. So enetually it does get a bit dull, but it's a good run before that point. The DLC definately adds to the amazing experience. Another reason may be that you just don't like RPG. That's a better reason if you ask me. Anyways, if you do love the Fable games like me, than you realize how freaking amazing the third one looks. After watching Lionhead Vid Docs and the new E3 trailer and a buncha other stuff on Fable 3, I can honestly say that the moment I get that game on November 1st, I'm not leaving the house for weeks.
Those are the two games I can write the most about. But in addition to those games, there are a few other games I want. We return to Gotham to help our Dark Knight once more in Arkham Asylum 2. From what I've heard, it is supposed to be MUCH darker than the first. This pleases me. The first one was really fun, even though I don't like games where the achievements are really really easy to get. But the second one looks very promising. That's coming out January 3rd. Then there's the obviously much anticipated Black Ops. Looks really amazing. It's coming out November 9th. Hmmm I'm actually not sure what more there is to say so I will just leave it at that. The nice people at Activision have made another Guitar Hero. Luckily this one is focusing on a more metal music. That comes out in September I believe. There is also talk the Gearbox will be releasing Borderlands 2 in late 2011 or early 2012. This pleases me VERY much considering Borderlands is like the best game in the entire world! It be my favorite if I wasn't to lazy to boost my levels up. Being a Siren is a hard job:) There are also a few games tht I want that are already out such as Skate 3 (just want it), Read Dead Redemption (hear it's amazing), and Portal (second one looks good so I don't want to be lost in the second one).
Alright, that concludes this entry for today. Keep On Keeping On and Stay Beautiful Little Monsters♥ Oh and get into video games so I can love you more than I already do :)

Dance Dance Til You're Dead

As an average American citizen, I have endured various hours of television. I've had every TV experience from channels only 3 to 13 all the way to DIRECTV in high definition with all the movie channels. But it has been brought to my attention that there is something that seems to be infecting our television programming. Dancing. Specifically reality shows relating to dancing. There are a few shows that are tolerable, but I lost count of the excess shows that are just unnecessary. Dancing With The Stars is one of the shows that is entertaining, but definitely not needed. In case you don't know, the show is about a bunch of Celebrities that are partnered with professional dancers and they dance there way to a big tacky trophy. Obviously, the one who dances the best wins. Usually the celebrities are one of these few groups: A Has-Been, An Enemy Of Today's Pop Culture, An Athlete, Someone Who Actually Knows How To Dance And Will Obviously Be The Winner, And Someone No One Has Ever Heard Of. I think celebrities get enough publicity, so this show is not needed. One Dance show that I think may actually be needed is So You Think YOu Can Dance. It's the American Idol of dancing and is not as annoying as the other shows. When think of this "needed" show, a runner-up was America's Best Dance Crew. The only reason that it didn't make the cut is because it can only go on so long until it gets a little ilogical. In the first season, they found the best dance crew in America. I thought that would be it. But now there is season two, and I'm not sure, but possibaly three. How many BEST can there be? In addition to the two shows I've mentioned, there is a vast ocean of Dance reality shows. From the well-known Dance Your Ass Off, Dance Party USA, Dance Revolution, Soul Train, and American Bandstand (barely fits into the Dance criteria) to the underground stuff such as The Groovy Show, Pop It!, Club Dance, and Chic-a-Go-Go (that one tickles me).
I agree, there are people who are not only very passionate about dancing, but very good at it. Those people are in luck because of the insane Dance Reality boom. It seems that until this Dance craze is over, there won't be any undiscovered dancers with an excuse as to why they haven't moved out of their parents' basement. As for me, I'll stick to my natural born talents to dance like the crazy little monster I am. Until next time, I leave with some words of wisdom for the day; The only real solution for the dancing revoltion is to resist the persicution of the crunkcore moving pollution but stay alert of distribution of a better resolution. Made that up myself :) XoXo, LSS.
PS: Thanks to my Aunty Laura for the post idea:) This entry is dedicated to you. Give me more suggestions people! Stay on the ball like my Aunty.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Speaking Of Vampires

Usually all the Parody films aren't worth watching due to their plain stupidity. Those movies (such as Disaster Movie, Epic Movie, Date Movie, Dance movie, etc.) are the ones you watch with your pals on a saturday night when nothing else is going on. And usually I don't even bother watching them, but this one looks promising considering I'm all for making fun of the Twilight Plague.

All I can say is...It's About Time!!! PS: Sorry the video covers up some of the stuff on the side. I'll try to fix that ASAP but no promises.

That Movie All The Kids Love

Yesterday, I decided to give into the poisonous plague known as The Twilight Saga. I say it like it's the first time, but eventually I always end up giving into it. I'm not a Twitard, but I have become fond of the books and the movies have my interest. I only saw the first one because my Nana had it on bootleg ;) The second one I went to the theatre like two weeks after it came out. My friend Jasmine went along with me. She also accompanied me this time around.
Now the only problems I have with these films goes as following; First, the hype. Do I think it's a good story? Yes I do. Am I on any particular team? Yes I am. Team Jacob:) Will I succumb to literally falling in love with the actors and characters and partaking in the bloody world of Twilight devotion? Hell. No. I admit, I am guilty of owning a twilight shirt. Just one to support my Team. Not only does this tell people I support Jacob, it pisses Team Edward fans off. And that's just fun. I understand if you get a little obsessed with a movie or a book, but the level of crazy some of these chicks are is just over the limit. I refuse to go to the premiere of any Twilight movie due to the temptation of punching every single one of these super fans in the jaw.
Second, the length of the movie itself. Now I'm not hesitate to read long books. I actually like my books longer. It wasn't a burden what so ever reading the Twilight books. I'm a pretty well above average reader, so reading all four books did take time, but not as much as others. But, it still took about three to four days. After reading these books, I finally watched the first film. Ok, I understand that when you turn a book that takes people, on average, about two to three days (maybe longer) to read into a movie, you have to make it a shorter experience. But the first too films were perhaps a bit too short. They hit all the major points from the book, but by the time you realized what part it was, that scene was already over. I haven't had to chance to read the Harry Potter books, but from what I hear, the movies and books aren't exact but they do hit the major parts along with sub-parts. I would have to read the books to be sure, but from seeing the length of the Potter movies, I believe that they do match to books to all extent. I mean the seventh one is gonna be released in two movies. So Twilight can stick that in their juicy box and suck it.
Anyways, before I entered the theatre, these two problems (mainly the second one) ran through my mind. Lucky for me, and for them, there were no crazy fans I had to hit. There was one girl who sported a twilight shirt and matching bag, but she seemed under control. Most of the ten or eleven people I shared a theatre with were well into their 40s. So problem one, evaded. Then the movie started. After a few hours it ended and I can say this much, I was satisfied. The length wasn't as long as it could've been, but it was a little over two hours and that would suffice. So I think problem two was also evaded.
In all, Eclipse was not a bad movie. It was actually pretty good. I might even watch it again. It does leave me waiting to see the fourth one. I can tell you now, if that one isn't at least two hours and forty-five minutes long, I'll demand a refund. That one is my favorite considering all the story it holds so I do hope I enjoy it. Well this concludes this post. In conclusion, if you haven't seen Eclipse, I suggest you see it. If you haven't seen any of the Saga films, just give in. It isn't that bad a series and the books are very decent also.

Monday, July 5, 2010

RAW does what it does best...

Tonight, I grabbed a few Monsters, a bag of Doritos, locked my door and turned my phone to silent. This routine happens every Monday and Friday night. On those nights I'm watching one of the reason I exist. WWE. Tonight's Monday Night Raw was the best one I've seen in a while. As usual, every emotion ran through me. Some good, some not so good.

The night started off with the demons themselves, Nexus, center ring. Just seeing them causes me to get super PO'd. Then, my baby, John Cena came out to address these dill holes. He told them that not once have they had a fair match with anyone. And this is true. A fair match would be 7 on 7. And then, he was accompanied by six other good guys of the RAW locker room. This included my new third favorite, the cutie Evan Bourne and the sexy beast, the viper himself, my number one favorite and a love of my life Randy Kieth Orton. As they neared the ring in what would be the greatest fight I've seen since the Fatal4Way matches, when Good was ambushed by Evil. 7 bad guys of the Raw locker room came out of no where. This included six hot heads I can't stand with their leader, the human jar of mayonnaise (as John Cena would say), Sheimus. And while this civil war broke out, the Nexus escaped. Words were spat as both Good and Evil debated. But the new, anonymous GM wouldn't have this. They installed that there must be peace. Which I think will never happen as long as the Nexus keep interfering and keep being the major A-holes they are.

After all that, a few matches took place. Miz vs R-Truth. Miz cheated, end of story. Ted D vs John Morrison. Ted entered with the vindictive diva, Maryse (probably not how you spell it). She mocked John by stealing his coat, distracting him and costing him the match. BTW, John is a good guy. After that, on Edge's little segment, Cutting Edge, him and Chris Jericho argued over who envied who and a bunch of crap I don't care about. Then the GM interrupted and announced that a 2 on 2 tag team match would take place. Edge and Jericho vs Evan Bourne and my sexy beast, Randy Orton. The match went well. I realized Evan is an amazing fighter and is so freaking lovable that he was put into my WWE heart along with Randy Orton and John Cena. They won, of course, and while they celebrated, my Randy RKO'd poor little Evan. It just goes to show that NO ONE is safe around The Viper. Even though he betrayed Evan, Orton is still incredible♥

After the match, Nexus tried to make a deal with Orton. They said they'd help him become WWE Champ if he agreed to leave Cena's team of Good vs Nexus. Orton responded with "Get Out Of My Face." I would take that as a no.

As RAW began to finish, one event was left. The Handshake between John Cena and Wayde Barret (leader of Nexus) that would create a Truce. This was the GM's idea. Obviously it didn't happen. Cena couldn't forgive the hienous acts Nexus had preformed over the past month or so and couldn't trust Barret when he said those acts are finished. So as Cena tried to leave, Nexus did what they do and ambushed him. Only to be ambushed themselves of a buncha of amazing superstars such as Mark Henry, The Great Khali, Santiago, and others. All the GM wanted was peace, and obviously they didn't get it. So as a consequence, it was announced that next Monday, Cena will face all 7 NXT (Nexus) bastards in a 7 on 1 handicapped match. This got me so ticked. It's totally unfair and even though the GM has done some good stuff, this caused me to have hatred towards them.

After hearing this Cena exploded. He took out so much anger and fury on one of the Nexus, Deren Young. He pummeled him into a lump of bruises before slamming him into the announcers' table before he pounded it onto him, just like Nexus did to him at Fatal4Way. Never have I seen an angrier Cena. After Young was obviously collapsed and unconscious, Cena claimed that it would now be 6 on 1.

Oh yeah, somewhere in all this chaos it was announced that at next week's RAW, there will be a one on one match between Edge and Randy Orton. Of course that is something I am looking forward to. WWE always makes me happy, angry, sad, and every emotion in between. I can't wait till Smackdown this Friday and I especially can't wait till RAW next Monday. And with the Money In The Bank pay per view just two weeks away, anything could happen...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Didn't Cross My Mind Till Now..

By the way, HAPPY FOURTH!!!!! Today we honor our gangster nation by setting things on fire and irritating our nieghbors by lighting Pikalo Petes till the 8th of July. From G Washington to Drama Obama, our country has been one thing...Pretty Sikk. I myself will be with the family at a BBQ. Yummmmtastic ;) I leave you with these words of wisdom for today; Be safe, blow stuff up, and make it all sparkly. Stay Beautiful Little Monsters♥ XoXo LSS

The World Of Mods

If you don't already know, xbox 360 is already the best thing to happen since they made crunchy peanut butter. The OG console, straight from the box, no modifacations what so ever is pretty ok. But the world of moddings and tinkering has opened so many doors. Why pay 50+ dollars for a game that you could get for one ten bucks, maybe less? People are worried this mod will get them banned. And it's true. I have been banned before. But I learned my lesson and I'll never mod again! (wink wink) Of course I've tried messing with these machines myself. I've successfully modded one controller and built various lag switches. While that may seem decent, it's awful considering how many attempts I've made. So I'm not cut out for modding, oh well. But the people who are are the ones you need to befriend.

On my wishlist for gaming equimpment goes as following:

<----Universal Stealth w/ Rapid Fire
created by Evil Controllers
Do You Wanna Shoot Faster? OF COURSE!!!!

<----Chameleon Case Combo
Created by Extreme-Mods
Does It Affect Gameplay? No. Does it look effin amazing? DUH.
There are a few other things such as a mod kit and other crap but these are just the basics.
Basically, I want to inmprove my gameplay by make it much funner. And I wanna look super sikk doing it. Is that too much to ask?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Welcome Earthlings

Ok That's My Intro. Send Me Suggestions For New Vids And Keep On Being Beautiful! XoXo LSS