OK, so if you've been reading my blog since I first advertised it on facebook, than you know that I used to post something up like once, sometimes twice a day. Well, recently I've been in a creative slump so please bear with me people. In this post, I'll be jumping from subject to subject. They really don't have much to do with each other other than the fact i have to put up with them every day recently.
So, you may or may have not noticed, but I've finally started to get wires and stuff on my braces. For the longest time, I had some brackets and that's it. Now, after a few painful weeks of living with the satanic spacers, I have wires on my bottom teeth. They don't hurt too bad. The thing is that the dentist decided to put bigger spacers in my top teeth. Therefore, I can't eat anything muy delicious due to excruciating pain. So that is a definite kill-joy. Even worse, one of the brackets came unglued. So it just spins around on the wire. I assume to glue it back on, they'll have to remove the wire. Bummer. But because of such pain, I have been forced to sample a lot of puddings and such.
If you live in southern California, or anywhere really, than you have noticed that it has been unnaturally warm out. For the past few days it has been around 105 to 110 degrees farenheit. This is not bad if you have a big house with an excellent air conditioner. But, to my despair, I have only a ceiling fan and a few fans to keep me cool. My father and Aunt both have air conditioners in their places of slumber. And oddly, it always seems to reach the extreme of any weather in my room. So that sucks. But I spent the past two days at my grandma's swimming. But that lacks luster after so long. I'm now back home and while my room is somewhat bearable, it is still about 80 something in here.
I have begun my savings for the Turtle Beach X11 headset. So far I have about thirty bucks. The headset is roughly sixty dollars, but I intend on buying from the thrift store of life, Craigslist:) Therefore, I'm only going to spend around forty dollars. But seriously speaking, Craigslist is amazing. I buy almost everything technological there, not to mention that they sell tickets, and a bunch of other stuff for cheaper than you would find anywhere else. It's where I got my WWE tickets (BTW, I did already get them. Thanks John for giving me tickets to the experience of my lifetime! And you're HOT!), where I intend on getting my headset, where I find a lot of vintage punk stuff, and where I purchased my beloved Xbox 360.
Speaking of video games, this one looks very promising. I want it badly :P
I saw a more in-depth review of it on X-Play (G4) and it is an amazing FPS that revolves on colors, complete destruction of the enviorment, techno music, and guns. Lots and lots of guns. All of the previews seem to show only work with the assault rifle, but the creators insist that there with be much more than that in your arsenal such as the shotgun and my personal favorite, SMGs.
Well that's all for this post. Add me on facebook to send me post ideas and comments on the entire site. Thanks for reading and here's your advice for the day; Best Buy sucks. Buy your tech from complete strangers at a completely lower price at Craigslist! :D XoXo LSS
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