Thursday, July 8, 2010

That Movie All The Kids Love

Yesterday, I decided to give into the poisonous plague known as The Twilight Saga. I say it like it's the first time, but eventually I always end up giving into it. I'm not a Twitard, but I have become fond of the books and the movies have my interest. I only saw the first one because my Nana had it on bootleg ;) The second one I went to the theatre like two weeks after it came out. My friend Jasmine went along with me. She also accompanied me this time around.
Now the only problems I have with these films goes as following; First, the hype. Do I think it's a good story? Yes I do. Am I on any particular team? Yes I am. Team Jacob:) Will I succumb to literally falling in love with the actors and characters and partaking in the bloody world of Twilight devotion? Hell. No. I admit, I am guilty of owning a twilight shirt. Just one to support my Team. Not only does this tell people I support Jacob, it pisses Team Edward fans off. And that's just fun. I understand if you get a little obsessed with a movie or a book, but the level of crazy some of these chicks are is just over the limit. I refuse to go to the premiere of any Twilight movie due to the temptation of punching every single one of these super fans in the jaw.
Second, the length of the movie itself. Now I'm not hesitate to read long books. I actually like my books longer. It wasn't a burden what so ever reading the Twilight books. I'm a pretty well above average reader, so reading all four books did take time, but not as much as others. But, it still took about three to four days. After reading these books, I finally watched the first film. Ok, I understand that when you turn a book that takes people, on average, about two to three days (maybe longer) to read into a movie, you have to make it a shorter experience. But the first too films were perhaps a bit too short. They hit all the major points from the book, but by the time you realized what part it was, that scene was already over. I haven't had to chance to read the Harry Potter books, but from what I hear, the movies and books aren't exact but they do hit the major parts along with sub-parts. I would have to read the books to be sure, but from seeing the length of the Potter movies, I believe that they do match to books to all extent. I mean the seventh one is gonna be released in two movies. So Twilight can stick that in their juicy box and suck it.
Anyways, before I entered the theatre, these two problems (mainly the second one) ran through my mind. Lucky for me, and for them, there were no crazy fans I had to hit. There was one girl who sported a twilight shirt and matching bag, but she seemed under control. Most of the ten or eleven people I shared a theatre with were well into their 40s. So problem one, evaded. Then the movie started. After a few hours it ended and I can say this much, I was satisfied. The length wasn't as long as it could've been, but it was a little over two hours and that would suffice. So I think problem two was also evaded.
In all, Eclipse was not a bad movie. It was actually pretty good. I might even watch it again. It does leave me waiting to see the fourth one. I can tell you now, if that one isn't at least two hours and forty-five minutes long, I'll demand a refund. That one is my favorite considering all the story it holds so I do hope I enjoy it. Well this concludes this post. In conclusion, if you haven't seen Eclipse, I suggest you see it. If you haven't seen any of the Saga films, just give in. It isn't that bad a series and the books are very decent also.

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