Friday, July 9, 2010

This is Well Over Due...

Greetings again Little Monsters. It is my duty to inform you that I am a total idiot! Well I'm not really an idiot I'm kind of a genius, but besides the point, I FEEL like an idiot. Here I am, sitting in my room, wrapping up a solid game of Domination, trying to think of a new blog post. Then, while browsing for a new variant to own at, it dawns on me. Video Games. Of course, due to my passionate love for video games, it probably isn't healthy for me to post too much about them. So every blue moon when I DO post something about the essential element to my life, it will probably be long and over advertised. Then again, my entire blog usually is;)
I suppose I'll start with a quick summary of how me and Video Games came to be the pair we are now. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was about seven years old. My dad had just brought home the original Xbox with a small collection of used games. This wasn't for me though. It was for him and his friends to play while they were buzzed. One day, when Polly Pockets weren't amusing me like they usually did, I decided to try and play. It took me about fifteen minutes to learn how to turn it on, twenty minutes to start the game, and a few days to master the controls. The game was a little something called Halo:Combat Evolved. As the days went by, my love for this black and green console pulled me in deeper than my Assault Rifle's bullet in the side of a Grunt's head. After my Halo journey was complete, I sampled a variety of other games. I tried Playstations, PC games, and eventually the Wii. Eight years later, I'm still committed to my spawn of the original Xbox, The Xbox 360. The 360 is when I first got on Live, which I'm on everyday now. But my original Xbox console is now pleasing the life of my cousin at his home. I still visit it here and there. So that is the story of how me and Xbox became life partners. Now I'll tell you what I really started this post for. Games I want more than oxygen:)

Alright, I'll put this Game first so I can get it over with. I don't beleive this game deserves more publicity than it's already getting. Reach. The people who followed Halo from the first day it came out those years ago, to testing the Multiplayer Beta till your fingers bled (or until it ended). Now, I used to be in love with the Halo series. But after I met my new MultiplayerMatch, Call Of Duty, Halo seemed boring. I guess it was just to simple for me. The controls were too basic, the guns were even more uncomplex, and the entire game was just bland after seeing the complexity of CoD. But when I played the Beta, the little girl who begged for the Limited Edition of the first Halo came out in me again. There are definately much more improvements. The special abilities go perfectly for different kinds of players. I can honestly say that the moment I get my hands on the game on September 14th, I'll be attatched to it for a while.

Second, is a game that means more to me than almost all my other games. This game is Fable III. Alot of people don't like the Fable series for many reasons. The main ones are that you can play through the story about four times before the game is just unplayable anymore. And I have to agree. I myself have played through the story about ten times. I've played every quest and gotten ALMOST every achievement. So enetually it does get a bit dull, but it's a good run before that point. The DLC definately adds to the amazing experience. Another reason may be that you just don't like RPG. That's a better reason if you ask me. Anyways, if you do love the Fable games like me, than you realize how freaking amazing the third one looks. After watching Lionhead Vid Docs and the new E3 trailer and a buncha other stuff on Fable 3, I can honestly say that the moment I get that game on November 1st, I'm not leaving the house for weeks.
Those are the two games I can write the most about. But in addition to those games, there are a few other games I want. We return to Gotham to help our Dark Knight once more in Arkham Asylum 2. From what I've heard, it is supposed to be MUCH darker than the first. This pleases me. The first one was really fun, even though I don't like games where the achievements are really really easy to get. But the second one looks very promising. That's coming out January 3rd. Then there's the obviously much anticipated Black Ops. Looks really amazing. It's coming out November 9th. Hmmm I'm actually not sure what more there is to say so I will just leave it at that. The nice people at Activision have made another Guitar Hero. Luckily this one is focusing on a more metal music. That comes out in September I believe. There is also talk the Gearbox will be releasing Borderlands 2 in late 2011 or early 2012. This pleases me VERY much considering Borderlands is like the best game in the entire world! It be my favorite if I wasn't to lazy to boost my levels up. Being a Siren is a hard job:) There are also a few games tht I want that are already out such as Skate 3 (just want it), Read Dead Redemption (hear it's amazing), and Portal (second one looks good so I don't want to be lost in the second one).
Alright, that concludes this entry for today. Keep On Keeping On and Stay Beautiful Little Monsters♥ Oh and get into video games so I can love you more than I already do :)

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