Friday, July 9, 2010

Dance Dance Til You're Dead

As an average American citizen, I have endured various hours of television. I've had every TV experience from channels only 3 to 13 all the way to DIRECTV in high definition with all the movie channels. But it has been brought to my attention that there is something that seems to be infecting our television programming. Dancing. Specifically reality shows relating to dancing. There are a few shows that are tolerable, but I lost count of the excess shows that are just unnecessary. Dancing With The Stars is one of the shows that is entertaining, but definitely not needed. In case you don't know, the show is about a bunch of Celebrities that are partnered with professional dancers and they dance there way to a big tacky trophy. Obviously, the one who dances the best wins. Usually the celebrities are one of these few groups: A Has-Been, An Enemy Of Today's Pop Culture, An Athlete, Someone Who Actually Knows How To Dance And Will Obviously Be The Winner, And Someone No One Has Ever Heard Of. I think celebrities get enough publicity, so this show is not needed. One Dance show that I think may actually be needed is So You Think YOu Can Dance. It's the American Idol of dancing and is not as annoying as the other shows. When think of this "needed" show, a runner-up was America's Best Dance Crew. The only reason that it didn't make the cut is because it can only go on so long until it gets a little ilogical. In the first season, they found the best dance crew in America. I thought that would be it. But now there is season two, and I'm not sure, but possibaly three. How many BEST can there be? In addition to the two shows I've mentioned, there is a vast ocean of Dance reality shows. From the well-known Dance Your Ass Off, Dance Party USA, Dance Revolution, Soul Train, and American Bandstand (barely fits into the Dance criteria) to the underground stuff such as The Groovy Show, Pop It!, Club Dance, and Chic-a-Go-Go (that one tickles me).
I agree, there are people who are not only very passionate about dancing, but very good at it. Those people are in luck because of the insane Dance Reality boom. It seems that until this Dance craze is over, there won't be any undiscovered dancers with an excuse as to why they haven't moved out of their parents' basement. As for me, I'll stick to my natural born talents to dance like the crazy little monster I am. Until next time, I leave with some words of wisdom for the day; The only real solution for the dancing revoltion is to resist the persicution of the crunkcore moving pollution but stay alert of distribution of a better resolution. Made that up myself :) XoXo, LSS.
PS: Thanks to my Aunty Laura for the post idea:) This entry is dedicated to you. Give me more suggestions people! Stay on the ball like my Aunty.

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