I hate girl gamers. It is an automatic reflex to have an extreme dislike towards a female gamer if I cross paths with one while playing. For a long time, I did not know why I hated these girls so much, but some research has opened my eyes. I now realize why these females annoy me to no extent. Before I even get into all this, I have to let you know that I am a Girl Gamer myself. I have an Xbox 360 and if you know me, you know that most of my time is spent playing on Live. Ok, now one reason I dislike these ladies is because of their attitude and complaints.
First off, the Fraud. The girl who plays online to create this false image of herself. To live some other life that she probably doesn't even come close to in reality. These girls are mostly on virtual communities and a lot of PC games. But they won't play if there's no Chat Box or voice option. They need attention, and they get it by creating a persona that rarely anyone buys. These girls usually aren't very skilled at the games they play, but the fact that they know a control or two makes them a "total badass." A lot of these girls also fall under the category of a Closet Gamer. She doesn't want to tell anyone else she games because she's afraid they might reveal her true identity.
Another I hate about girl Gamers is their complaints. "These guys never invite to play with them because I'm a girl!" That is false. Guys won't invite you to play for one of a few reasons. One is that maybe this guy doesn't play with total strangers. There are also people who just prefer to game solo. I myself keep to a small group of my online friends to game with. Only once in a blue moon will I accept a random game invitation. Another reason guys won't invite you is simple to understand. You Suck. You ladies have to face the fact that even though you game, doesn't automatically mean you're good. You should probably be able to beat more than the training level and erase N00B off your forehead.
"I don't like how mean these people are to me just because I'm a girl!" Get over yourself. There is a race of Gamers that are straight up trash talkers. Unfortunately, that consists of a large percentage of all gamers. Besides the one who game strictly to talk smack, if you mess up in a game, you might endure some mild to heavy brooding. I'm guilty of telling off someone because they cost me or our team a win. Don't blame them, blame your skill. And even besides those guys, there are people who enjoy a friendly insult here and there to their fellow gamer. This isn't because you're a girl. They talk like this to anyone, especially their friends. So if you take these insults personally, online gaming is not your thing. Stop being so freaking sensitive.
If you demand special treatment or think you're so big and bad just because you are a Female who play video games, than I hate you instantly. I'm a girl gamer and I have been for a long portion of my life. I know that there are a few select individuals who treat me different (better or worse) just because I don't have a Y chromosome. I understand and accept that I will experience different reactions for being a girl. But there are girls who insist that our fellow male gamers should ease up because there is a girl on the other team. Sometimes, those girls demand great respect because they have achieved a higher level than most people and they're a girl. Congratulations! You're average. If you get my respect in the gaming world, than you are a really good gamer. Most people will agree with me when I say that I'm not treating any different because you're a girl.
Another type of gamer I can not tolerate is the Bimbo. She is oblivious to anything going on in the game. She only knows how to work this "colorful moving box" because her boyfriend taught her. She like to play in online activities to try and draw attention to herself. She's kind of like the Fraud, but they differ because the Bimbo is a complete idiot. At least the Fraud has some knowledge of the games she plays. The Bimbo plays just to sexually attract males. That and she might find some strange pleasure in being a trash talking loud mouth that everyone mutes. She's lucky if she gets an assist and claims she sucks due to the distractions of her extremely social life that's going on outside of the headset. My advice to these Bimbos, Just get off the console. Go become a stripper or something because there, you get the attention you crave and you also get paid. Problem solved.
This about wraps up this post. Also, if I know you from school or from any where besides meeting you in a random game lobby, I won't automatically hate you if I find out you game. If I know you in real life and I'm cool with you, the fact that you game might even make me love you more. Because if I hate you in real life, there's a different reason behind it. XoXo LSS
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